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PreK-Grade 12 International Day and Boarding School in Kobe, Japan | Since 1913


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Once a falcon, always a falcon; our alumni will always be part of our community.

Join CA Connect!

The CA alumni office is thrilled to introduce to you a new initiative as part of our ongoing commitment to strengthening our alumni community: the launch of a new online alumni platform, CA Connect. Use this new alumni portal to find classmates, update your contact information, and connect with fellow alumni. Features include:

  • An Alumni Directory

  • Digitized Yearbooks

  • Future Events & Programming

  • Alumni News & Bulletins

  • And more!

Future communications with alumni will also be made through CA Connect.  Join today so you don’t miss out! Click the image below to access the site, then click Login to get started. We are proud to have you as part of our diverse, global, and growing alumni community, and we look forward to reconnecting with you as we take this step forward.

Ae Kimura '98
Director of Marketing & Communications, and Alumni Relations
Canadian Academy

Campus Visits

Please let us know when you are in or around Kobe! Alumni are more than welcome to visit us on Rokko Island, take a tour around our beautiful campus, and have a glimpse into what our current students are doing. Please email us at to schedule your visit.

Request Documents

Need your transcript or graduation certificate? Use this form to request documents. Requests are fulfilled in approximately 10 business days.

Find us on Social Media

Keep in touch by joining our Alumni groups on Facebook and LinkedIn.