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PreK-Grade 12 International Day and Boarding School in Kobe, Japan | Since 1913


Service and Soup Kitchen

Service and Soup Kitchen

Canadian Academy inspires students to inquire, reflect and choose to compassionately impact the world throughout their lives.

Our Mission is a statement of purpose and promise- it is what we want our students to know, do, and understand. Certainly much of it pertains to excellence in academics- inquire and reflect- but it also serves as an expectation of service, the giving back to others. Service is an activity that goes beyond ordinary school or family responsibilities, is performed without payment, and helps others. Providing service to others isn't just doing what's right, it's a core part of who we are.

As students move through CA, they become more independent when selecting and creating service opportunities. While doing for others starts in our elementary, our service program becomes more formalized in secondary school. Service clubs focus on local, national, and international causes and organizations to support and/or issues to bring awareness.

Recently, our Soup Kitchen served their final meal for this school year at Onohama Park in Sannomiya. The students planned, purchased the ingredients, and cooked and served a nutritious meal for those in need. Thank you to those students and teachers who participated and represented Canadian Academy, as well as having a positive impact on our local community.