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PreK-Grade 12 International Day and Boarding School in Kobe, Japan | Since 1913


Our University Counseling program is comprehensive in design and practice - ensuring that each student is set up for success.


Our High School counseling team works closely with students and families to understand each student's strengths, interests and needs, knowing that one size does not fit all. When students feel physically and emotionally healthy and can create a sense of well-being, they are better prepared to learn. 

We work to meet the needs of our students and families in an ever changing world. Our counseling team meets with parents and college representatives to help identify all the options available to our graduates. We deliver programming aimed to help students explore strengths, interests, possibilities and challenges, specific to each grade level. We support students through this programming and through individual work. We work collaboratively with teachers, advisors, outside providers and school leaders to address the needs of our community and students. Throughout their high school years, our students have the opportunity to meet with college and university representatives through visits and college fairs.

Coffees and workshops are offered throughout the year for the parents of our high school students. Advice and practical tips in regards to university selection, the admissions process, applying for grants and bursaries, as well as the mental and physical well-being of the child all prepare families for life after Canadian Academy.

In university and careers planning it is so important to remember that the needs of each student are unique and ever evolving. At Canadian Academy, we are so excited to collaborate with students in their discovery and planning for their own unique pathways.

A Timeline for University and Careers Planning

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