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PreK-Grade 12 International Day and Boarding School in Kobe, Japan | Since 1913


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Welcome to the world of Early Childhood - a place for wonder, excitement, and discovery!

Our Early Learning Program at a glance...


The Canadian Academy Early Childhood Curriculum follows the International Baccalaureate program of study. 

A typical Early Childhood school day consists of reading books, writing stories, inquiring into sciences and systems, and practicing numbers. Literacy and numeracy are introduced in age-appropriate ways in our 3 and 4 year old programs, and more formally in our Kindergarten B class. Every day students will also meet either a visual art, music, Physical education, Japanese, technology teacher, or librarian who will enrich the learning for that day.

Plenty of play time is built into our 3 and 4 year old schedule, as we know children of this age learn through play and social interactions. Play, alongside engaging instruction, challenges students with multiple opportunities for cognitive growth to reach a variety of learning objectives.

Use the table below for an overview of IB PYP Units of Inquiry by Grade Level. 


Age & Grade Level Placement

Age 3 Age 4 Age 5

Children aged 3 on October 1st can join our PreK-3 Class

Japanese equivalent = HOIKUEN
British equivalent = NURSERY

Children aged 4 on October 1st can join Kindergarten A

Japanese equivalent = yochien
British equivalent = reception

Children aged 5 on October 1st can join Kindergarten B

Japanese equivalent = yochien
British equivalent = Year 1

Units of Inquiry

This year's 2023-24 curriculum is Cycle 1 for PreK-KA.