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PreK-Grade 12 International Day and Boarding School in Kobe, Japan | Since 1913


We recognize and support the diverse needs of all our learners.

In keeping with our mission to inspire students to be inquisitive, reflective, and compassionately interact with the world around them, we believe in supporting the diverse needs of our learners. Students with learning diversities, and who may require additional support to get the most out of our classes and activities, will be supported through our expertly trained learning support faculty.

At CA, children with mild to moderate learning needs are supported through a broad range of research-based approaches. In the classroom, our teachers use differentiated and inclusive learning strategies to support all students to achieve their personal best and share their understanding. Students recognized as needing additional support become part of our Student Services Team.

 Each student’s needs are unique and a program of support is developed with this diversity in mind. Elements of the program may include small group instruction, in-class support, and study skills sessions. When necessary, the Student Support Team will consult with professionals within the community such as speech and language therapists, educational psychologists, and counsellors to meet the diverse needs of our students.
What does Learning Support look like?

In Elementary, we offer a Learning Resources program. Learning Resource teachers collaborate with classroom teachers to develop a tailored program to meet the needs of each student. Whether through small group lessons, in-class support, or one-on-one instruction, it is a team approach to supporting development in core areas, particularly reading, writing, and math.

In Secondary, the Learning Resources program is designed to serve students who need additional support to participate in the curriculum and achieve their personal best. Similar to the Elementary model, students may be part of a small group lesson, benefit from in-class support, or one-on-one guidance. The focus in Secondary is on developing study skills, information processing, and accessing subject knowledge.

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